Final Special Offer

Fat loss cardio is covered in Visual Impact for Women…

That being said, we have an 8-week focused fat loss cardio program that is pretty intense, but killer for more agressive fat loss.

We normally sell this for $37…

Here’s your chance to pick it up for only $27.

Important: Either click the “Claim Offer” button, or the “No Thanks” link at the bottom of this page.

Visual Impact Cardio $37 $27

When I created this course I had one simple goal:

Creating the world’s most comprehensive course when it came to burning stubborn body fat using Cardio Machines.

I did this during a time when cardio was getting bashed hard.

What can I say? I’m a rebel.

If you want to know more than anyone in your gym when it comes to using Cardio Machines in a way that gets outstanding results?

This course is for you.

Some Highlights from the Course:
  • How Stubborn Body Fat is more sensitive to insulin, less sensitive to adrenaline, and has less blood flow compared to “regular” body fat.
  • How to Overcome Stubborn Body Fat issues… why Dieting Alone rarely ever gets the job done when it comes to losing stubborn body fat.
  • Flaws in the major study which supposedly “proved” that Brief Interval Training is 9 times more effective for fat loss compared to steady cardio.
  • Why I recommend that you keep the Fat Loss Portion of your workout separate from the Resistance Training Portion of your workout.

Why do I like cardio machines?

You can tweak intensity levels and monitor things like lactate threshold with precision.

This is tough to do with circuits or intervals with weights.

Circuit training and CrossFit style workouts often break down the body in the pursuit for fat loss.

Strategic cardio is a faster and smarter long-term approach.

  • A formula to measure How Many Calories an Interval Training Session Burns compared to a Steady State Cardio session.
  • How there is a “Time Element” to activate the system in your body which burns the most calories… and how Brief Exercise does NOT last long enough to fully take advantage of this system.
  • How Using the Precision of Cardio Machines will allow you to fine-tune the intensity of your training… allowing you to reach your fat loss goals faster… without pushing past the edge of over-training.
  • How focusing on a Weekly Calorie Deficit not Daily Calories, allows you to lose weight while mixing in Higher Calorie Meals on a regular basis.
  • How to Diet in a way that Maximizes Fat Loss, with little chance of metabolism slow down.

People are training with more intensity than ever.

Despite these intense efforts…

Most people are falling short of hitting their fat loss goals.

With proper cardio knowledge you will be able to get better fat loss results without burnout.

You will learn how to use cardio machines to get as lean as you desire.

You won’t experience fat loss sticking points like the majority of gym members.

If you want to master the skill of losing body fat, I highly recommend picking up Visual Impact Cardio.

  • How to use Cardio Periodization Cycles… the technique where you “take 3 steps forward and 1 step back” in order to Lose Body Fat Without Hitting Sticking Points.
  • Why there is a Ceiling to How Many Calories You Can Burn with Intervals… and how adding in a Strategic Cardio Routine can take you to the finish line of hitting your fat loss goals.
  • Three Complete 8-Week Workout Cycles – taking you from where you are now… ALL THE WAY to your ideal body fat percentage.
  • …and MUCH more.

You will get immediate access to this mobile-optimized course.

One-Time Special Offer
Get Visual Impact Cardio for $37 Just $27

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